Top Gadgets for 2022 - #15: ELEGOO MEGA Starter Kit

The ELEGOO MEGA Starter Kit is an excellent choice for anyone looking to learn about electronics. This kit comes with everything you need to get started, including a MEGA controller board and expansion board, as well as over 60 different components and sensors. Whether you're a professional lab engineer, an electronic major student, or a beginner, this kit has something for you.

Original price: $65.99 Click here for current price on Amazon.

The quality of the components in this kit is excellent, and Elegoo has not compromised on quality even with the large quantity of components included. The pins and wires on some parts, like the LCD16502 and motors, are pre-soldered, which is a huge time-saver.

One of the standout features of this kit is the variety of projects you can do with it. For example, you can use the LCD1602 display module to show text, or control a small DC motor using the L293D transistor. The 74HC595 shift register and LEDs allow you to create dynamic lighting effects.

Overall, the ELEGOO MEGA Starter Kit is a fantastic choice for anyone looking to learn about electronics. It's a complete kit that includes high-quality components, and the variety of projects you can do with it make it a great value. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, this kit has something for you.
